Wednesday, July 30, 2008;12:48 PM
Just had my eng prelim #1. i gonna flunk my paper 2. the paper was full of nonsense. hopefully i can at least pass my summary ? if possible. that paper can be like a dictionary?? full of vocab words.
paper 1 ? idk can make it anot. letter format so confusing. and compo question was sleep and write about a time you realise you had take things for granted (narrative) hmm. sleep?? dunno wat to write. so i choose quetion 4.
jyjy for tml. math and ss. all the best to everyone.
heres my artefact. iron man?? lol? nah. look so sucky. suppose to be a scuba diver.
Monday, July 28, 2008;6:12 PM
just finished my oral. arh. sad sia. the conversation really kill me. the question was. what my favt toys? it was predicted as the passsage and picture is all about gift and toys. so i said my favt past time toys was toy car and machine gun. OMG machine gUN!! it should be toy gun. LOL tot of goin war? lolz. but nvm. i didnt say much on gun. blah blah blah .......
den the picture was like abit unclear? 5 kids and the hamper all around the place. i said it was probably children day? and they were opening their gifts? ARH! but the picture also look like they are making hamper.. kns. issit a trick? siao liao. buang the whole oral!!
nvm. gonna be more careful on the actual!!
2 more days to prelim!! how had i prepare? nth actually.. gonna do last minute work. folio gonna hand in for prelim mark but my folio still look so thin. still got MORE n MORE to go. feeling so much pressure. more things got to be done fast.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008;10:22 PM
here to post again. hardly post 2 per day. ha. just now was having a Great FUN!! lolz. me and ym went hanafi house. firstly we went there to study and i was doing my folio. about 2 hours later, we went to rest but ended up playing!! LOL. we were FIGHTING!! fight until like mad. we like performing WRESTLING, macham like kids. some photo below were real and fake.
Starting with fake to REAL move. Pls do not try this at home.

Twist of Fate. from Jeff Ming? lol.

F5. lol. finisher.

Before and After. War of jerico. Great! GIVE UP?

Lol. random shot. the 2 violence tiger.

HA!! the most high risk move. Hanafi got a great fall. poor thing!! lucky his printer okay. hmm i was carrying him to my shoulder and i fall from the bed and we landed on the floor.
Racial harmony!! i was wearing like a kutupuff** i think is spell like this?? lol. GREEN and Square. looks abit weird. nth much abt racial harmony. the day was cooling. so the bajongkurong? LOL dunno how to spell. quite comfortable. lastly, thx Mr Jon Hanafi for lending me.
Group photo.

Sunday, July 20, 2008;1:25 AM
Ytd didnt manage to assemble my artefactt. but monday SURE will assemble ba?? lol.
after dnt went imm for lunch. after that head to hanafi house borrow his malay costume. haa. GREEN. melayu!!
we had some weirdo photo..... dun be shock. enojy! and more disgusting shall not be posted.

3 little ghost.

OWL in between.


stupid hair.

disgusting !!!
Friday, July 18, 2008;9:01 PM
another week had passed. left with 5 days of school to prelim 1. and less den 100days to O level. hmm. how well i had prepare?? dun really put in alot of effort ba. and i still have my folio to do. havent start chionging. at this time i should be rushing. dead line will be in 1 month time?? so i shall spend more time on it. rather on prelim? depends. hmm. tml can finish my artefact liao ba.
next monday racial harmony day!! hopefully can get 1 constume to wear =D lolx. i'm sure i dun look like chinese? lolz. that will be my first and last time to wear costume? yup.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008;4:35 PM
just had my listening compre. i tio trick by few questions.. haiyo. after all, i got 5 question with the same answer as teacher. well. just pass? 10/20 lol. dead? gonna fail my chinese?? lol. hopefully not. C6!!! not expecting more. just right.
Sunday, July 13, 2008;11:06 AM
Ytd, i was sleeping like pig. lolz. hanafi called me at 8.30 if not i dunno i will wake up till wat time. quickly went to have quick bath and head for the oral class. 9.05 reach school. lol. fast? the oral seem to be bored. dun find any improvement of myself.
Dnt - tot of finishing by today. too bad. still have few more to finishing.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAY TO IQMAL. Ytd we went seoul garden to cele iqmal bdae. below had some photos.

bdae boy.


I'm not full yet.

Mr Neo [J]ia Wei. [Y]aoming . [J]ia Yong . [Y[uda . JYJY

Mr Jon.

my stead ??

a black using chopstick? lolz.


Wednesday, July 9, 2008;6:52 PM
well. today had my Chinese oral. hopefully can ba?? passing is not a problem but overal for all?? hmm. should be can ba?? =D next week gonna have our listening paper, and that it for chinese. can simply throw all my chinese stuff? ha.
Ytd went library with hanafi iqmal cheryl ruo ting. instead of going kbox with gatti ym, beacuse i had to cut down my spend. haha. they do had fun ba. even though i not there ? LOL. kidding. next time ba.
What is the different between me and him??? o.O
hmm... who he thinking of???
Monday, July 7, 2008;6:35 PM
YTD was Youth day. therefore today no school.
hmm let talk abt ytd. Went to gatti house mahjong again (with - xuan le jia wei jia ling). my luck was good firstly. but it dun long last till the 2nd feng (wind).
first feng - Lol. i was dong feng (East). so I began first. my first round of the feng already so LUCKY! my heart was runing so fast beacuse i was waiting for last tiles and i got 5 tai. which is man tai!! maximum amount. Lol. Yea. first round already win 6.40. but end up losing a bit. overal, my first feng i won 3.20.
2nd feng - ARH! SUAY ALL THE WAY. i only got 1 or 2 chance waiting for last tiles. end up i only win 1 round. that was BAD!! i lost 8.20 !!! WAH!! worst den i zha hu that time. and we only play till xi feng (west). which is 3/4 of the feng only. gatti already won 19.90!! WOW!!! RICH BASTARD. lol.
3rd feng - Gerald came in. Lol. he sadden. he lost 30 + at Jimmy house. end up here we only play 1/4 of the feng. Xuan le was lucky to win back her lost. and beacuse of her man tai !! if not i got the chance to win 20 cent at least. and i lost 1.40.
TOTAL - i lost 7.40 + Friday day i lost 3 dollar = 10.40 !! WOW. can stop mahjong for a moment. Lol. Prelim 1 coming.
Sunday, July 6, 2008;2:03 AM
Today DnT - hoho. next week can start assemble liao. and will be ready to submit. hopefully it will be perfect. even though it might look abit weird. ha.
After school, went out with gatti, ym, hanafi,jing ping, cheryl, regina, ruo ting, xuan le to ceni. hmm.. we waited quite long for the 3 ladies. anyway we went to watch hancock. quite nice. u all can try watching...
after movie, head back to JE. that was abt 9pm. we went kpool. and some aracade. hmm. this week gonna spend alot again?? hmm next week will be iqmal bdae. hoho. going to spend money again. arh. must start to save some money.

my stead?

arh. its so hard to take photo.
Thursday, July 3, 2008;9:52 PM
late post... happy belated bdae to my sis. ytd went studying JE library with hanafi ym gatti jing ping cheryl ruo ting. hmm so hard working rite?? lol. study until the library close and it close at 9pm. but after library, i break up with them and went to IMM swensen cele my sis... with my relative. i ate the stickey chewey chocolate ice cream. shook ar. thick choclate and not too sweet.
my sis and my aunt