Friday, April 25, 2008;5:52 PM
YTD was my NAFA test. here my result:
Sit n Reach : 5 points ( CHEATING!! )
Sit up : 5 points
shuttle run : 5 points
standing board jump : 3 points
Pull UP : 3 points
2.4KM : ??? not sure yet.
Targeting 12min below to get a 3 point. total of 24 points. SO is a must to get GOLD!! this my last chance/Year!! haha.
got back my eng test result. predicted. so bloody diffcult. mostly ask for own words! and this will also goin to be the same in the comin mid year exam. hopefully can use my summary pull up? but my vocab? cfm die. 5 marks lost!
TRUCK : As the truck travel half a mile is about 800m. Therefore, it uses an amount of disel, and disel weight heavier den pure water. so it is enough to cover the weight of the bird!! =))
Today Question:
If you drop a yellow hat in the Red Sea. What will the hat become?
Tuesday, April 22, 2008;10:25 PM
FORBIDDEN KINGDOM!! hoho. today go watch with the bdae boy!! MR FA LU DIN(FD) and gerald as well as joel. the show was quite exciting and funny too. So go and watch!!
CLUE for the truck question: As the truck move to the mid of the bridge, it produces SOMETHING! so IS lighter. hoho. obvious. Come!! TRY AGAIN!
Today Question: What tree does the fortune teller look at?? (SUPPER EASY + LAME)
Sunday, April 20, 2008;11:06 PM
time to post!!
went cycling again. as usual with gerald yuqi and joel. hmm i start from my house to JP, timah, IMM, home. we parked our bike with only 2 lock. luckly nv tio kope. as if is easy to steal. At timah we makan at the hawker. hoho. cheap cheap. spaghetti $4 + $1.50 with the soup. taste okay but actually quite $$. After eating, we went up to play pool. but all table were taken. So we went arcade for photo hunt!! the machine was damm lousy!! the touch screen is not accurate, as in we press the correct spot but it deny. nvm, after that tot of buying things den we went IMM.
2.30 JE. we(me, ym, gerald, gatti, yuqi, xuan le) went support jia xian. "free hug" lol look so lame! nth much. go hug him awhile den after that went taka jalan jalan. bought some bread for lunch? cheese hotdog bread. it looks good and tasty but not hot.
after that we went kallang for dinner. that was abt 6+. hmm. bought wantan noodle and share herbal chicken with gerald. After the dinner den gatti charbo came?? Lol. we went to kallang stadium the shopping mall can't remeber wat is it call. actually nth much there. little bit bored so i just playin with my game. Lastly, reach home abt 10+. sian. tml school!! dnt "ROX!"
Answer for the nail question:
the nail remain the same height, as tree grow from the top not bottom. at most it grow fat and never affect the nail.
Today Question:
A large truck is crossing a bridge 1 mile long. The bridge can only hold 14000 lbs which is the exact weight of the truck. The truck travel half way across the bridge and stops. A bird lands on the truck. However the bridge did not collapse, so what is the reason?
Thursday, April 17, 2008;10:18 PM
I got nth to post.
so, here my First Riddle from every post onwards!!
When John was six years old he hammered a nail into his favorite tree to mark his height. Ten years later at age sixteen, John returned to see how much higher the nail was. If the tree grew by five centimeters each year, how much higher would the nail be?
math?? haha dream ON! THINK THINK!!
CLUE: ?? lol for the first time!! so i will give; how does a tree grow??
ANSWER will be posted next post =)) see ya!!
Sunday, April 13, 2008;7:52 PM
just came back from cycling. my jelly leg after the sport day and now most slightly become swollen jelly. lol. damm keh sia. goin apply counterpain soon.
today route start from toh guan meeting amrit. den until gerald house dden continue to jurong west ST91 !! yuqi house. wasting time over there lookin for bike shop!! yuqi tyre flat also dunno where to pump. worst thing is dunno how to pump!! LOL. amazing. ha. DnT student somemore!! dunno how to use the "air pumper" wasted all my time there!!
that not the end yet. my plan was to clementi looking for numbered sticker for dnt and white spray, as i bought the wrong spray last week. but end up didnt buy any thing. but they only sell large bottle spray and that alot.
after traveling hours!! we continued to west coast!! hoho. most du lan thing was up slope. slackin at mac for awhile and dinner too. exploring at the classy yatch!! but not the budget non-motor boat. as the sky gettin darker.finally, home sweet home. right now diffculty standing walking. hoho. tml school again. i'm dead.
Thursday, April 10, 2008;6:13 PM
還記得第一次見面時候 的經過 我們有點尷尬的say hello
hai ji de di yi ci jian mian shi hou de jing guo wo men you dian gan ga de SAY HELLO
我緊張 我害羞 我手心冒汗加發抖 一句話都不敢說
wo jin zhang wo hai xiu wo shou xin mao han jia fa dou yi ju hua dou bu gan shuo
還記得第二次見面時候 也差不多 我緊張的好像都快中風
hai ji de di er ci jian mian shi hou ye cha bu duo wo jin zhang de hao xiang dou kuai zhong feng
有話說 還不說 我臉紅的都像關公 只好讓音樂來說 好險有
you hua shuo hai bu shuo wo lian hong de dou xiang guan gong zhi hao rang yin yue lai shuo hao xian you
音樂讓我說 讓我說 先來跟你 say個 hello
yin yue rang wo shuo rang wo shuo xian lai gen ni SAY ge HELLO
音樂讓我說 讓我說 說能不能做個朋友
yin yue rang wo shuo rang wo shuo shuo neng bu neng zuo ge peng you
音樂讓我說 讓我說 說說說說 說你愛我
yin yue rang wo shuo rang wo shuo shuo shuo shuo shuo shuo ni ai wo
三月的陽光在下午四點太難捉摸 神出鬼沒 高興就探個頭
san yue de yang guang zai xia wu si dian tai nan zhuo mo shen chu gui mei gao xing jiu tan ge tou
原來陽光是你 空氣是你 都你掌控 拜託夜色能溫柔
yuan lai yang guang shi ni kong qi shi ni dou ni zhang kong bai tuo ye se neng wen rou
大跨步 交叉步 凌波微步我加速度 我等不及想和你跳支舞
da kua bu jiao cha bu ling bo wei bu wo jia su du wo deng bu ji xiang he ni tiao zhi wu
人海中遇見你 呼吸貼近 算我走運 但接下來說什麼 好險有
ren hai zhong yu jian ni hu xi tie jin suan wo zou yun dan jie xia lai shuo shen me hao xian you
音樂讓我說 讓我說 先來跟你 say個 hello
yin yue rang wo shuo rang wo shuo xian lai gen ni SAY ge HELLO
音樂讓我說 讓我說 說能不能做個朋友
yin yue rang wo shuo rang wo shuo shuo neng bu neng zuo ge peng you
音樂讓我說 讓我說 說說說說 說你愛我
yin yue rang wo shuo rang wo shuo shuo shuo shuo shuo shuo ni ai wo
不是每朵花開都會有人懂得欣賞 但我們卻彼此經過
bu shi mei duo hua kai dou hui you ren dong de xin shang dan wo men que bi ci jing guo
放心我絕對不會讓這機會悄悄溜走 嘿 邱比特 你千萬別睡著
fang xin wo jue dui bu hui rang zhe ji hui qiao qiao liu zou hei qiu bi te ni qian wan bie shui zhao
音樂讓我說 讓我說 先來跟你 say個 hello
yin yue rang wo shuo rang wo shuo xian lai gen ni SAY ge HELLO
音樂讓我說 讓我說 說能不能做個朋友
yin yue rang wo shuo rang wo shuo shuo neng bu neng zuo ge peng you
音樂讓我說 讓我說 說說說說 說你愛我
yin yue rang wo shuo rang wo shuo shuo shuo shuo shuo shuo ni ai wo
Wednesday, April 9, 2008;9:07 PM
5 years in shuqun. i think this my first time takin sport day medal. lolz. its so damm siong.(fierce) especially running beside ANWAR! IT so damm GAY! the footstep exactly constant and fast. At least came in 2nd runner-up. then, follow by 8x200m. lol . so confident to win. but the 4NT was solid. damm gay thing was squeezing with 6 runner as i was the starter again. free lane. so i had to cut in and knocking ppl. lolz. too bad la. managed to cut in 3rd but sadly. i lost 1 position and back to 4. after all we got first runner-up. hoho gay shit. my leg hurting!! aching. so weak. tml school !! ARRH! damm tired and somemore until 6?? pathetic.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008;8:46 PM
Happy Bdae to ME! another year older lia0. sad. gettin older and older. lolz.
First of all. today got 3 hour free lesson? so damm bored.last lesson was okay. using class speaker to play song. and used visual lightser* to shoot anyone.

hoho. taken by me. a stupid face! LOL. trying to hide behind the bag.
After school-
sadly, it rain when i was about to go home. must be gatti singing. if not wont rain. HAHA. As the rain getting better den chiong home to change and went JP. ar sian. the movie was damm few and boring. tot of watching orphange but dun hav lia0. so in end watch CROCODILE! NC16?? weird. it dun look horror. nvm. after that went for dinner at batok seafood. + satay. Overall spending 5 hours hanging outside and now finally back home. hoho. my sister bought me a cake!! thx!
lastly of course must thank Yaoming, Gatti, Jun rong, FD, Joel, Gerald, Jia Wei, Cheryl, Regina, RuoTing for celebrating for me. and those who had wish me.
Sunday, April 6, 2008;10:00 AM
1 week had passed. I'm gettin older soon. ha.
hmm. ytd went swimming. morning er? speech day. sry i not coming NCC anymore? hopefully CCA point remain? is reasonable. A2 is enough. yar. back to swimming. me, ym, gatti, joel, FD, iqmal, fi, leslie, yi hang. 9ppl! hoho. was fun? but lazy pool was down for maintance. after that we makan at KFC. yummy. everyday chicken? school also chicken. sian. so after our KFC we went timah POOL not swimming pool ar. i played damm lousy. long time nv go there play. the table was better den JE but still xia suay. i do a fly ball lolz. kns. aim zun zun but miss it. After that we went arcade to break record. but we failed. lolz. 6 ppl 12 eyes playin the photo bucket. nvm. so we went for supper. eat the "G-kueh". tasteless. the bobocha still okay. After that chase for BUS! home sweet home 11pm.