Wednesday, February 27, 2008;8:53 PM
tml math paper and that it for common test. it seem i failed both language. sadded. few more month to O. theres no much improvement. and about 2 months to chinese O. dunno how lia0. a pass? L1B4 ? fail both language? siao? this must not be done again!! failing of 1 sub is exactly at a risk. and ya. DnT! goin march lia0. coursework?? no more slacking!!
Saturday, February 23, 2008;10:47 AM
hoho. ytd went makan steamboat. damm full. trying to squeeze in to my small stomach... lucky nv puke.
hmm 1 more week to end of common test. damm suay sia!! mrs liang why catch my sock when i doin my damm chinese paper and again on thursday my SS paper.2nd warning! See la!! i failed my chinese paper lol. as usual. SS!! omg no time finish.
sian. nvm. go work lia0!! bb
my last 2nd day working?
Sunday, February 17, 2008;3:29 PM
2 more weeks or 2 more saturday den stop working lia0!! Resigned. damm sian. KNS, YTD peel the white and red carrort until my hand ache lia0
Wah. tml common test liao!! sian sia. dunno where my time table. Lol. hmm. tml eng and Dnt ba?? lol. die le. jyjy!!
Friday, February 8, 2008;11:09 AM
this year went out so late. lol. reach my mother side 2+ lia0. makan makan. 4.30 den chao to temple. reach there about 5.30 lia0. o.o so late. after all reach my grandpa house 6+ lia0. hmm. every year seem to be same. EAT, wish happy new year, take ang bao, chit chat. lol. this how i cele CNY!! bored.
Lastly, this sunday cele my grandma bdae liao!! hoho. makan again. lol. eat n eat. human nature!!
Monday, February 4, 2008;7:48 PM
3 more days to Chinese New Year. dunno should i cut my hair?? quite long lei. or wait for few more weeks?? tahan ba. hmm 3 more days. as usual collect ANG BAO! and makan food. and ya. bonding too. and see the changes. and a happy chinese new year too. and xue ye jin bu LOL. yar. O this year. must study hard. all the way to the goal and faster get lost in this school.
Sunday, February 3, 2008;12:08 AM
Woke up 6++ just to ready for school and went to pick litter!! my CIP hour is already 100 over. enough lia0. max le. but still had to go ba. nth much at the trip. little bit bored. as my batch went b4 last year.
went work at 3.30 where i suppose to be 3pm. dun care la. just take my time and go at 3.30. as usual the harry will came at saturday. he so highly wanna me to become caisher?? lol. too bad la. either quiting soon or long break. most slightly will be quitting ba. as i just told the manger i wont stay long so i think they dun highly see me . and YAR. the harry is dunno stupid or wat. i mop the floor and he said the smell so awful = =. and trying to be sarcastic. "river water, which river water u take from??" i think river water is drinkable why dun he drink it?? dunno he learn chemistry anot?? BLEACH!! the smell of course awful la!! wan me spray perfume meh?? so li hai he go mop himself l0r = =
Friday, February 1, 2008;8:44 PM

OMG!! IRRITATE by MR GATTI BIG MIDDLE FINGER!! When i was focus on my lesson with the sian look.

LOL. the REATARD of FD!! lolz pwn by my middle finger.