Thursday, June 21, 2007;5:02 PM
Lol today something miracle when having lunch at Long John (not that important to mention, so nth =/)
TML my POP!! HA.. finally last day in NCC.... gettin the cert den the makan den go home!! that the end in NCC ... wan come back is up to me =)) LOL BEG me back??consider first la... AS IF they will beg LOL
MORE PHOTO beLOw at KL =))

SAW US? LOL (OPS hanafi tio block?? cant see him)

DO wE look alike as on top of us??

LOL? riding small bike (the boy behind JEALOUS? jk..)

leaders! LOl (twin tower behind)

Wednesday, June 20, 2007;11:41 PM

You are The Hierophant
Divine Wisdom. Manifestation. Explanation. Teaching.
All things relating to education, patience, help from superiors.The Hierophant is often considered to be a Guardian Angel.
The Hierophant's purpose is to bring the spiritual down to Earth. Where the High Priestess between her two pillars deals with realms beyond this Earth, the Hierophant (or High Priest) deals with worldly problems. He is well suited to do this because he strives to create harmony and peace in the midst of a crisis. The Hierophant's only problem is that he can be stubborn and hidebound. At his best, he is wise and soothing, at his worst, he is an unbending traditionalist.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
I'm BACK from KL!! spending most of the time on JOURNEY!! SIAN!!

my first picture!!! haha sleeping in the bus! taken by someone sitting beside me!! dunno who??
so we went to the theme park.. haha first we try the roller coaster den we try (below)

LOL at first we are so coward... dun dare to try... den onto it l0r!! so wan see us flying up there?? next few day den upload la... cause waiting for mr guay to send me...

taken at the theme park..
the theme park also nth much to play with la... cause we only can try the dry activity... but there also wet activity... which i think more fun... but we are no in our wet suit... and we are told not to to try...

here my dinner CRAB(with hammer)!!! haha nice?? hungry? salivar dripping??
taken by YM.. ha sleepy!! cant open my eye... -.- but i am smiling

here our group photo!! anyone missing?? YESH!! mr guay l0r... our photographer...
nice view??? TWIN TOWER BEHIND!! haha ....
Then went for lunch and den went to a shopping mall... for ONLY 1 hour..... den we took about 1 hour 5-10 min =(( and we are the
LAST!!! all waiting for US!! LOL SIAN LOR!! suppose to be 55 min... so that 5 min b4 the time we suppose to gather....but we didn't Lol =
DEN At last ...
HOME SWEET HOME!!! reach singapore 7pm.... WELCOME BACK =))
Wednesday, June 13, 2007;11:56 AM
hmm.. ytd?? ate 'Yuda' spageti Lol?? early in the morning went to giant with my sis buy those ingredient den head back home to cook for our lunch...
tearing the chicken skin and fats!! Lol look a bit disgusting ...den the result of 'Yuda' spageti was? totally perfect (cause i cook de mah) but the mushroom soup a bit salty... should add more water.. haha still okay la
haha... den my sis wanted to wash plate... lol maybe i was in the hurry to go out =)) thx by the way...
hmm so i went to shower.... dry my hair under the fan ( time to cut ), ym was waitin at my house void deck.. haha pai seh
den we walk to JE to meet regina n cheryl den JIA WEI!! was still cuting hair = = at jurong west so we waited abt nearly 1 hour... lolz so spent time at arcade l0r..
but also lucky la... police was checkin at the k-box pool when jia wei was still cutting... if not at the time we at there den'they' not 16 den dunno wat will happen..
so i and ym played 2 hour but jia wei, cheryl and regina go for 3 hour, so we head back home but actually wan find hanafi... = = but he bluff us!! (watch out) =))
today?? maybe stay at home ... do homework?? LOL.. dunno... see how
Monday, June 11, 2007;11:46 PM
Today went to play pool with jia wei, cheryl... but actually hanafi also but he ask me to watch movie... but i dun wan, in the end they also nv watch .. so he come and look for us when we playing the last round....
SCAMMER!! we juz late for a minute or few?? add 60 cent =(( lolz.. but nvm la... err?? tml playin?? lol not sure... feel like playin again... but a bit xia suay... wan to hit hard but hit until bottom so the ball fly up l0r!! =(( haha...
see how la tml?? anyone wan come?? maybe goin bukit timah if i know how to go( check directory ).... if not den JE...under 16s?? LOL actually can go in de la.... see wether u got skill... can ask for tips from me =)
Saturday, June 9, 2007;10:40 PM
WAH.. finally my holiday began!! = =
no more lesson for 2 weeks
good thing is... 2 week of slackin
bad thing is... my com kisia0 =((
dunno on/off how many time to warm up my com den can be use = =
5 years com ... OLD liao... pentium 4?? like no different as pentium 3
hai hao la.. at least gaming still can ta han ( endure )
HOLIDAY is to finish hw or rest?? ha... den still call holiday??
SIAN!! juz plan to slack at home = = dunno where to go
hmm... got mood den finish up hw l0r.... ( TRY ) will I ?
Monday, June 4, 2007;8:06 PM
FLASHBACK!! Yesterday
Mr Neo Jia Wei 16 years of breathing oxygen... so went out with Hanafi ( Cockster ) , YM , JW ... Den I meet Jia Wei and Ym at our coffee shop there.... den 3pm meet HANAFI at JE
And HERE come the COCKSTER!! = = bring us to take 97 to ORCAHRD which ( 97 Loop at the Suntec, Explanade THERE!! ) , AND ONLY 143/105 serivce from JE interchange can ONLY go ORCHARD
SO we alight at EXPLANADE!! = = go there walk walk but den too bored so we take MRT to Somerset. AND we should take bus FASTER!! cause the bus stop GOT so many bus BUT except 97 & 131 nv go ORCHARD..
And I also dunno y go take MRT!! LOL BLUR BLUR... Den we took the underpass to city hall MRT.. ( dunno walk how long = = ), den alight at somerset WALK AGAIN to Cenileisure.. go there see the pool price for an hour.. ( about +/- $10) so $$$
So we decided to find some place to makan (eat) and ended up at Pastamania LOLZ!! we order 2set combo A & C + 10inch hawaian pizza + 4 Set of out spaghetti.. ( +/- $60 total) LOL!!(EAT UNTIL CANNOT WALK) So far I havent pay yet.. still waiting for JIA WEI!! to count how much to pay.. (probaly about $10) cause he paying HALF!! =))
AFTER EATING!!! that was about 8pm!! So we head back to JE to check the pool price... ($6.80) BUT!! COCKSTER and YM still not fully 16.. den nvm... so we go play arcade!! And then ?? ( cant remember ) LOL!
Den!!! head back home.... so we walk to Toh Guan and the HANAFI( COCKSTEr) dunno WAT COBRA snake he will turn to when full moon ( totally COCKSTER!! CRAP!! ) LOL but also quite funny... haha =))
WENT back school for normal lesson.. 8am to 3.30pm ( DnT 1pm to 3.30pm ) = = SO SIAN... den TML STILL GOT DNT BUT MORE LONGER!!
Saturday, June 2, 2007;11:33 PM
today went swimming and always the time we meet always nv goes smoothly ( buay gam ) =(( either late or changed... cant blame anyone... but we still had fun too =)
tml jia wei bdae, dunno where to go also and sick of "planning" =(( so just waitt and see how....