Friday, January 1, 2010;8:19 PM
Yo! The First post of 2010!!!
maybe this will be my last post.
too lazy to blog le. haha.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009;11:31 PM
HOLIDAY!!!!! 3 weeks break.
xmas to go. a brand new year.
looking foward to it.
well. how was my exam?
dunno can score anot? doubting.
anyway i fail my gem quiz. lols.
pathetic. 16/40. hopefully dun repeat my gem.
Friday, December 4, 2009;10:31 PM
Term 3 is ending.
left with 2 days of exam.
having 2 paper on tue and 3 paper on wed.
not really 3 paper on wed la.
because of gem quiz.
dunno how to study for that quiz. lol.
i got no idea abt my gem.
well. after exam will be having 3 weeks of holidays.
sad to say that we have to come during holiday.
for model making.
and projects.
this bored.
Thursday, November 19, 2009;9:37 PM
I have pass my driving tp.
haha. super lucky and unlucky.
as i was at teck whye road.
i was making a right turn at the junction.
my vechicle was about to cross the stop line.
den i look for blind spot.
when i look back, suddenly the green arrow start to blink.
so, i have to proceed.
if not it is a immediate failure.
den the tester start to take out his GPS!!
wah. tablet laptop with gps.
den he start to thick.
wah. at that time is like super stressed.
after the test den i proceed to waiting room for result.
when the tester show me my mistake i made.
i saw the paper with 2 4 6 8 4 pts, which is total 24 pts.
as he flip over the result slip.
it wrote 18 pts!!!! JUST PASS only.
Lucky Shit!
den 1 of the mistake wrote
proceed on amber light/ fickering green arow - 8pts.
WAH!!! damm chor sia. 8 pts.........
but end up pass. hahahaha...... Shuang.
Monday, November 2, 2009;9:02 PM
Below was taken a month ago. celebrating my brother 21st bdae.

Honda CBR. look exactly his bike!! maybe next 3 years my cake will be my lamborghini on it? LOL! dream.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009;11:02 PM
Wow. about 2 week had passed.
so shag with 8am lesson.
have to wake up so early.
squeeze train/bus.
but i think it will be better when the sec & pri sch having thier holiday.
hmm. i think i was late for all my 8am lesson.
some were 10 mins late and some were 15 20 30?
countless late. but not too bad. haha.
oh well. my gem was seamanship and boat theory.
today was my second lesson of it.
it was totally boring.
luckly got jerry to acc.
if not i dunno anyone of them in the class.
the lecturer keep teaching back the same thing as last week.
so, today didnt really listen wat he teaching.
just using laptop for whole lesson.
gd thing is gem wont be counting into our gpa.
i think i get a pass for my gem will do. haha.
oh ya.
ytd have 2 hour in between time.
our class decided go moberly for pool.
but pool was fully used.
instead we go
some viedo was uploaded in our facebook!!
see how
ENTHU and serious in their singing.
next time should take more viedo and photo.
i shall go sleep now!!
tml lesson 10am. the one and only day which is not 8am.
Sunday, October 18, 2009;10:32 PM
WAH! 6 weeks had passed.
Holiday had ended.
tml will be the first day of sem2.
it will be damm boring!!
lesson start at 8am.
from monday to friday except for thursday only.
even though i had a straight bus to sch
but i always late for 8am lesson.
it will jam for about 30 mins?
i think i have to take train from tml onwards.
hope tml had a good start of sem2!!!
i shall go sleep now. if not cant wake up.
gd night~